Delo Daryaa

In the late spring and summer it was rare that I was busking at Kits Beach, so when I decided to take the plunge and go back I had a chance encounter with Maya and Delo Daryaa. M&D decided to head to Kits Beach on a strange whim as well. Delo Daryaa (Pegah Ahani) was in a creative rut and music had been slipping out of her life, so when we busked together in a random jam, it was a session that left her in tears. The tears were returned by me later, when she sang a new song she is working on called I Would Never. I’ll never ever forget that evening.

I had no idea what was coming. I had been building for transformation in my life, but I needed a last push to really get me through the door and to my dreams of being an even more dedicated musician and human being. Busking is a grind and can be lonely. I had been looking for a duo partner for sometime, trying out a few various matches. None worked long term. As a blues guitar player, “woman tone” is a serious thing and sounding like a vocalist when soloing is critical. The tone that Delo Daryaa has is truly a gift, as is her control and passion. Her originals can be extremely vulnerable (Glitter or Gold) to completely bad ass Persian dub funk (11). She does amazing versions of cover songs including artists such as Amy Winehouse, Adele, and she is a shoe-in for the blues, as well as long and tenderly stretched out ballads. She is a balladeer extrordinaire. She is also a true front person, with all the charm and wit and good spirit to go with it. Don’t let the looks fool you: she is multi talented, multi lingual (6 languages) and can sing the soul out of you. 

Maya is the backbone, Pegah’s best friend, and a spiritual mentor to us both. She is our manager, videographer, and founder of this mad outfit! We will figure out a way to get her on stage! 

Delo Daryaa can be found on YouTube, Instagram, Apple Music, and a number of other platforms.


Maya's Movies