
Access Paradise Travel Club

Finally, Real Accessible Travel for Quadriplegics

This is what it looked like EVERY DAY for me last January through February.

If the idea of waking up to this every day when it should be winter sounds like something you’ve been dreaming of… But you’ve been waiting for someone else to figure out a solution.

Or even just curious to know more… 

I’d like to tell you a little bit more about what I’m calling the Access Paradise Travel Club

 If this checks all your boxes, read on!

I’ll give you the quick jist of what I’m thinking right now…

I’m thinking of flying to a tropical destination, renting a PIMPED OUT 3-bedroom AirB&B that’s TOTALLY accessible (either in Mexico or Thailand..or some other destination) similar to these pictures…  

In an area near:

  • A beach with seawall wheelchair access
  • Small restaurants and bars to enjoy
  • Accessible rolling paths for us to cruise along with the warm air flowing through our hair

A trip that would include:

  • Our own private nurse we would hire from Vancouver to fly with us, help us with transportation, and care on site
  • A team of 2 additional local care workers that would see to all of our quad needs 
  • An apartment with roll in showers, accessible beds, plenty of space with a big deck we can hang out on.
  • A system for local transportation 
  • An emergency plan in case things go wrong
  • And more!

Here is basically how it would work…

We need a minimum of 3 people to make this work. And for the 1st trip, that’s what I’m aiming for.

So there would be 3 spots available each month…and one of those spots belongs to me… 

Leaving only 2 spots available each month.

You can choose to stay 1 or 2 months. 

At the end of each month, our private nurse will fly back safely with those returning, and a day or 2 later, fly back with the next group of people.

  • If I find 4 people who want to come for 1 month, 2 would fly back after the month in early February, and pick up the next 2 people who want to stay until early March.
  • If 1 person wants to stay 2 months like me… that would leave 2 spots for people who want to stay 1 month.
  • Or … If 2 people also want to stay 2 months like me, that leaves only 2 available spots TOTAL.

You get the picture.

We would fly out of Vancouver on a direct flight and then have transport to our destination arranged upon arrival. 

That would be our home base that we could operate out of and do day trips and maybe even longer excursions out of as we see fit.

And once the trip comes to an end, our Canadian nurse/care worker packs us up and takes us home.

I’ve got a lot of details figured out…But not everything.

And before I go and put in all the work and actually start putting up ads to hire all of the care workers and reserving a place to stay, talking to my contacts, and filling in all the little cracks that would need to be looked at to make this operation a go…

I need to hear that this is something you are interested in and serious about!

Whether it is Thailand, Mexico, or some other destination..even if this very concept seriously interests you… I want to hear from you!

And just so you know… I wouldn’t be charging a dime for doing all the work to orchestrate this. Everything would be at cost.

But time is of the essence…

  • Places everywhere are starting to get booked up quickly for the 2024 winter.  
  • Airline tickets will start to get bought up and prices will go higher.

So… if we want to get one of these amazing places and lock in great pricing….we need to act quickly.

The sooner I hear from you, the sooner you can guarantee your spot.

If you’re at all interested, send me an email at: AaronCoret@gmail.com with the following:

  1.   A quick note about what interests you about this and
  2. Any questions/reservations you might have…

And once I know that I have a few serious takers…

We’ll start having some of the first meetings of the Access Paradise Club to go over details, talk concerns, solve problems, and most importantly start making this a reality!

My eventual goal is to perfect the system to the point where almost all you have to do is click a button, pay the fee, and everything else is taken care of for you. We’re not there yet… But this is the first step.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Aaron “let’s get the Eff out of here” Coret
